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The Wish-Fulfilling Stupa

Sep 4, 2024

6 min read




“This great stūpa is the supreme wisdom-support of all the buddhas of the three times, serving as the field of offering for the world with its beings and gods. All aspirations made in supplication are effortlessly accomplished. It bestows all common and extraordinary siddhis, just like the precious wish-fulfilling jewel. This is the great stūpa called Jarung Khashor also known as the Boudhanath Stūpa in Kathmandu, Nepal.

“Whoever sees it with their eyes, for them the doors to the three lower realms will be closed.

“Whoever hears of it with their ears, for them the seed of supreme enlightenment will be sown.

“Whoever thinks of it with their mind, for them all psychosis, faintings, and seizures will be alleviated, leading to the arising of excellent samādhi.

“Whoever joins their palms before it will abide on the perfect path.

“Whoever prostrates before it will be born as the cakravartin of a thousand-fold universe.

“Whoever circumambulates it will be endowed with the seven good qualities of the higher realms.

“Whoever supplicates it will spontaneously accomplish the benefit of self and others.

“Whoever makes offerings to it will be born without hunger or thirst.

“Whoever offers flowers will completely attain the freedoms and advantages.

“Whoever offers incense will attain perfectly pure discipline.

“Whoever offers butter lamps will awaken from the darkness of ignorance.

“Whoever offers scented water will be freed from depression and all suffering.

“Whoever offers food and drink will be sustained by the sustenance of samādhi.

“Whoever offers music will proclaim the melodious sound of Dharma throughout the ten directions.

“Whoever offers cymbals will attain complete and unending eloquence.

“Whoever offers bells large and small will attain clear and melodious speech, and the voice of Brahmā.

“Whoever offers maṇḍalas will perfect the two accumulations of temporary and lasting results.

“Whoever offers maṇḍalas of the five precious jewels will be free of poverty and attain an inexhaustible sky treasury.

“Whoever offers maṇḍalas of the seven precious jewels will in passing enjoy the seven royal possessions and will ultimately attain the body with the seven aspects.

“Whoever offers maṇḍalas of the five medicinal herbs will be liberated from the four types of illness and from the eon of sickness, with its chronic diseases of saṃsāra and so forth.

“Whoever offers a maṇḍala of the five essences will be completely freed from the suffering of the five kinds of beings, and will attain the bodies of the five buddha families.

“Whoever offers maṇḍalas of the five grains, whatever seeds are sown, all will be excellent, and they will enjoy the harvests of crops that need no cultivation.

“Whoever offers the five kinds of incense will have a pleasant fragrance and be attractive to everyone.

“Whoever offers the five perfumes will attain the pure abodes and be rid of all defilements.

“Whoever offers the five gifts — for them, merit, might, riches, and all enjoyments will proliferate.

“Whoever offers parasols and victory banners will have all afflictions in their entirety pacified, and they will be worthy of veneration and respect.

“Whoever offers silken ribbons and banners will attain a complete abundance of pleasant things and be freed from the eight great fears.

“Whoever offers garlands and tassels will attain the sacred bliss of gods and humans adorned by the seven precious jewels.

“Whoever offers butter lamps will see the manifest faces of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions.

“Whoever offers grain oil lamps will be clarified of all obscurations of ignorance.

“Whoever offers the fire for butter lamps will radiate, the light rays of the dharma throughout the ten directions.

“Whoever offers the Precious Wheel will turn the wheel of dharma.

“For whoever offers the Precious Gem, anything they desire will shower down like rain.

“For whoever offers the Precious Queen, pure intelligence will arise in their minds.

“Whoever offers the Precious Minister will become the sacred guide, skilled in means aplenty, able to lead all beings.

“Whoever offers the Precious Elephant will realize the meaning of the supreme Mahāyāna.

“Whoever offers the Precious Horse will be endowed with the four limbs of miracles.

“Whoever offers the Precious General will defeat all opponents.

“Whoever offers the seven royal possessions will become master of a great dharma kingdom.

“Whoever offers the eight auspicious symbols will attain a body adorned by the marks and signs.

“Whoever offers the eight auspicious substances will enjoy the majesty of auspiciousness and the abundant riches of humans and gods.

“Whoever offers a variety of clothes and garments will enjoy divine robes of five-coloured fabric and all kinds of clothes that are pleasing to the touch.

“Whoever offers coats of white-wash will become dazzling, majestic, and perfect – overpowering all gods, demons, and humans.

“Whoever offers the three white foods will enjoy the wish-granting cow and herds of cattle.

“Whoever offers the three sweets will enjoy the manifold delicacies of the gods.

“Whoever offers foods of whole grains will never go hungry, and the doors to rebirth as a preta will be blocked.

“Whoever offers distilled essences of grain will enjoy the brew of ocean-like amṛta.

“Whoever offers fruits and fresh-grown produce will enjoy foods of a hundred flavours.

“Whoever offers gaṇacakra will accomplish the common and extraordinary siddhis, and all that they wish for.

“Whoever offers the five perfumed bath waters will purify all sickness arising from defilements and all obscurations, and have a perfect and attractive complexion.

“Whoever offers supreme lotus seats will obtain soft and beautiful thrones of fearless lions, and will take miraculous rebirth from a thousand petalled lotus.

“Whoever acts as caretaker of the stūpa will be liberated from the suffering of the three lower realms and become endowed with all the qualities of perfection.

“Whoever offers ceremonial service will make offerings to all the buddhas and will accomplish the entire enlightened activity of the buddhas.

“Whoever washes away the dust and filth will attain an excellent form, fine clothes, and great beauty.

“For whoever sweeps away rubbish and grime, all negativities and obscurations will be cut from the root.

“Whoever makes it their yidam will attain the level of a mahāmudrā vidyādhara. “Whoever recites its prayers will attain the level of a matured vidyādhara.

“Whoever makes it their guru will attain the level of a spontaneously-accomplished vidyādhara.

“Whoever makes offerings to it will attain the level of a vidyādhara with power over life.

“Whoever rebuilds it will accomplish the four enlightened activities and all that they desire in this life, and will attain precious, unsurpassable enlightenment.

“Whoever applies plaster and concrete to the stūpa — for every particle they apply, they will attain the state of a cakravartin.

“For whoever hauls loads of rocks and earth — obstacles to life and vitality will be pacified and they will attain a perfect body, long life, and freedom from disease.

“The body, speech, and mind of whoever sincerely strives in service [to the stūpa], will be infused with the blessings of the enlightened body, speech, and mind of all the buddhas.

“Whoever serves as a virtuous friend [of the stūpa] will, in this and all future lives, genuinely engage in the path of the ten virtues, never being separated from spiritual guides, and will gain every sacred siddhi that they wish.

“Whoever serves as a supervisor will be born as the principal child of all the buddhas of the ten directions, and will accomplish infinite enlightened activity.

“Whoever serves as a craftsman and architect will become completely adept in the five outer sciences.

“Whoever takes seven steps toward this stūpa will attain seven pure human rebirths and be able to remember those lifetimes.

“Whoever speaks of its benefit will be ornamented with the qualities of the scholar.

“Whoever writes of its benefit will be listened to by all beings throughout all their [future] lives.

“Whoever mends even the slightest cracks will attain human and god forms and enjoy the sublime Dharma.

“Whoever makes aspirations that it remain for a long time will attain mastery of the immortal vidyādhara.

“Whoever consecrates the stūpa will pacify war, famine, and pestilence throughout the three times, spreading peace in every nation.

“Whoever protects it from harm will be freed from any fear of untimely death.

“Whoever speaks to others of its good qualities will speak of all the qualities of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the three times without exception.

“Whoever learns and teaches [about the stūpa] will perform all the activities of the buddhas of the three times.

“Whoever paints and makes relief statues of it will have the power to reach buddhahood and will rest in space-awareness, beyond meeting and parting.

“Whoever writes down its history and hagiography will in turn have written down the condensed words of all the buddhas of the three times and ten directions.

“Whoever offers their admiration will give rise to every quality of the buddhas within their minds.

“Whoever requests the blessings of the stūpa will attain the empowerment of all the buddhas.

“Whoever brings to mind the stūpa while they are dying will be miraculously reborn in the heart of a lotus flower in Sukhāvatī, the Western Pure Land of Bliss.

“Whoever harms the stūpa will have all kinds of inauspiciousness happen to them in this life, and later be reborn in the great Incessant Hell, where there is no opportunity to escape or express remorse and make confession.

“In conclusion, this great stūpa is likened to a precious, wish-fulfilling jewel. Whoever makes an aspiration will attain the common and extraordinary siddhis, along with anything else that one wishes. Thus, it is renowned as The Stūpa Which Fulfills All Aspirations.”


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